Hi, I'm Tanner.

I'm a software engineer and mathematician. I enjoy solving problems and building things for the web.

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An Introduction to Client-side JavaScript

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Have you ever thought to yourself while building a website, how could I manipulate the DOM? Possibly create new HTML elements or modify existing elements? This article explains some of the fundamentals for interacting with the DOM using client-side JavaScript.

Using index files when working with Sass and @use rules

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With @import at-rules slowly being phased out of the main implementation of Sass (dart-sass) and eventually deprecated, its time to learn how to use @use rules and the neat features that come along with it.

Build a minimal HTTP server with Node

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To create a Node.js application, you need a web server, a request, a router, and request handlers. Frameworks like Express.js speed up development by providing a robust set of features to build web applications and APIs.

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I'm always interested in having a chat about software development. If you think my skills would align with your projects needs, I'd love to hear from you. I'm available at any of the social links below or by navigating to my contact page.